
Finding solutions in dialogue

As an innovative and modern university, Worms University of Applied Sciences is very interested in continuously improving the quality of studies and teaching and in creating attractive working conditions.

However, these goals can only be realised with the cooperation of all university members. Together we can uncover potential for improvement, set impulses and create new structures. For this purpose, Worms University of Applied Sciences has set up a feedback form. This gives you the opportunity to express praise, come up with an idea to uncover new possibilities or voice criticism.

Permanent feedback options at Worms University of Applied Sciences

For many topics (e.g. equality, anti-discrimination), Worms University of Applied Sciences has already appointed representatives whom you can contact directly at any time, regardless of the feedback option. You can find a list of all representatives here. Furthermore, students and alumni in particular have the opportunity to provide feedback at any time via various instruments. In addition to the regular course evaluations, various surveys for students and alumni also offer this possibility.

For all other concerns, you are welcome to use our feedback system.

Please let us know your concerns by clicking THIS LINK.

Your concern will be dealt with confidentially and neutrally. Our aim is to find a prompt and individual solution to your concern and to introduce suitable measures and potential for improvement.