What is ERASMUS+?

ERASMUS+ stands for “European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students” and its function is to support students who wish to study abroad at a university in the European Union. ERASMUS+ offers funding for both study and internships abroad.
Students are eligible to participate in ERASMUS+ after they have completed their first year of study. During the course of their studies (bachelor’s or master’s), students may receive funding for only one period of study abroad through ERASMUS+ (SMS programme) and only one internship period abroad (SMP programme). In other words, it is possible to receive one SMS and one SMP scholarship, but never two scholarships of the same kind.
Please use the following link: (Link will be provided on here)
ERASMUS+ provides a stipend toward your living costs and you pay no tuition fees for your study abroad period. Students in the ERASMUS+ study abroad programme (SMS) receive a stipend. The exact stipend amount depends on the funding issued by the European Commission for that year. Please be sure that you have enough financial resources to cover your living costs – the ERASMUS+ stipend is only a partial stipend.
The allowance is given as a lump sum before the study/internship period, NOT as a monthly stipend. After you return to Worms, your university will confirm the actual duration of your studies, and your stipend may be recalculated accordingly.
Students may also take part in intensive language courses if the language of the destination country is not widely taught. Visiteu.daad.de for details.
Credits and qualifications earned during the ERASMUS period are automatically recognised by the Hochschule Worms because each student signs a Learning Agreement.
The DAAD is also a good source of information on ERASMUS+, with specific sections for study abroad as well as for internships abroad.
Internships in the Frame of ERASMUS+
Hochschule Worms belongs to a consortium of universities in the Rhineland-Palatinate. Therefore, questions concerning Internships in the frame of ERASMUS+ exclusively can be addressed to:
Agentur für internationale Hochschul-Mobilität Rheinland-Pfalz
c/o Hochschule Trier
Postfach 1826
54208 Trier
T: +49 (0) 651 8103 313
F: +49 (0) 651 8103 354
E: erasmuspraktika@hochschule-trier.de
Building A, room 150
Consultations Hours:
Monday until Thursday
10.00 am - 3.00 pm
and on appointment.