Einladung zum 2. ZTT Forschungsseminar
Am 17. Dezember wird um 13:00 im Raum D138 Frau Prof. Alexandra Dmitrienko (Universität Würzburg) den Gastvortrag "IoT Security Made SIMPL" halten.
Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten und ist offen für alle interessierten Studierende und Professorinnen und Professoren.
Einlass nach 3G Regelung (Zugang für Geimpfte, Genesene und neg. Getestete - im Raum ist Maskenpflicht). Bitte bringen Sie ihren Nachweis mit und zeigen diesen unaufgefordert beim Eintreten vor.
The proliferation of IoT devices is increasing at a fast pace, whether for private or business use. In the race for the minimal production costs and under time-to-market pressure, the IoT industry often disregards even very basic security protections, which made today’s IoT systems attractive and easy attack targets. Furthermore, typical features of IoT systems such as resource constraints, battery-based power sources and asynchronous communication patterns complicate application of the state-of-the-art security mechanisms, especially for large-scale networks.
In this talk, we will talk about security challenges of large-scale IoT networks and present key results of a recently ended SIMPL project (2018-2021) that was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project outcome is SIMPL – the Secure IoT Management Platform, which is intended for large-scale publish/subscribe IoT networks and enables essential security services, such as secure communication within groups of devices, key management, as well as network health monitoring and healing. The platform will be soon open-sourced and can serve as a basis for secure IoT products and further research projects.
Alexandra is a professor at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg in Germany, where she is heading the Secure Software Systems research group. Before taking her current faculty position in 2018, she worked for about 10 years in renowned security institutions in Germany and in Switzerland: Ruhr-University Bochum (2008-2011), Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT) in Darmstadt (2011-2015), and ETH Zurich (2016-2017). She holds a PhD degree in Security and Information Technology from TU Darmstadt (2015). Her PhD dissertation focused on security and privacy of mobile systems and applications and was awarded by the European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM STM WG 2016 Award) and recognized as outstanding by Intel – she received an Intel Doctoral Student Honor Award. Today, her research interests focus on various topics on secure software engineering, systems security and privacy, and security and privacy of mobile, cyber-physical, and distributed systems.