Applied Computer Science (B.Sc.)

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Computer Science


Lehre im Bachelor-Studiengang Angewandte Informatik

With the study program Applied Computer Science at Hochschule Worms you decide for a scientific study with a strong practical relevance. The general computer science fundamentals taught lay a solid foundation for independent in-depth study of all technology facets to whose rapid changes you will have to react in your professional life. The working techniques practiced in the course of study will help you to do this.

The practical semester and the Bachelor's thesis are usually carried out in a company; you can therefore develop solutions to real problems in the corporate environment. If you would like to deepen and broaden your knowledge after graduating with a bachelor's degree, the master's program in Mobile Computing (also dual) at Hochschule Worms offers you the right opportunity to do so right away.


Career Prospects

After successfully completing your degree in Applied Computer Science, you will have excellent opportunities on the job market, because your knowledge is urgently needed in all industries. You can work in free market or in the public sector. With your own idea, you can of course also start your own business as a start-up. The career counseling service at Hochschule Worms regularly offers information events and training courses so that you can get started right after graduation.


Computer science is women's business. Also!

Lehre im Bachelorstudiengang Angewandte Informatik

Of course, computer science is not just a women's issue. But it is more than it might seem at first glance. And it has infinite facets that go far beyond pure programming. Digitization is "people's business" because application systems are designed and developed by people for people. And in order to understand what the user needs, you have to understand their point of view as well as master the tools and methods on the IT side with which the desired application is to be implemented. 

The job description of a graduate of Applied Computer Science with one of the possible qualification focuses is multifaceted and ranges from developer, software architect, consultant, project manager to CEO. You decide where your path takes you. We "merely" offer you to take the next step on this path together with us.