Business Computing – dual

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Computer Science


Business IT specialists combine knowledge of IT and business administration in the company. This enables them to improve business processes with the help of IT systems.

As companies find themselves in an extremely dynamic environment, they are forced to continuously adapt their processes in order to remain competitive: Global crises and associated supply bottlenecks, shortages of skilled workers or new technologies such as the latest developments in the field of artificial intelligence are just some of the current drivers of change. This results in a high level of complexity that can only be mastered through the knowledge of various experts.

The Master's degree course at Worms University of Applied Sciences therefore focuses on the management of digitalization!

Competencies in the areas of "Information and Knowledge Management" and "Information Systems and Digitalization" are deepened on the basis of a Bachelor's degree. Modules from the field of "Personnel Management and Project Management" prepare you for a management role as a project manager or in a management function with personnel responsibility.

Excellent career prospects await you in the following professional fields, among others:

  • Management of digitization projects
  • Requirements analysis
  • Conception and development of projects in the field of digitization
  • Introduction and support of operational information systems
  • Consulting in the field of digitalization
  • Management and leadership tasks in IT or specialist departments

By choosing an information technology or business management focus, students can qualify individually for specific areas of the company.