
The Master's program in Applied Computer Science offers you the next career step around digitalization, which would only be a buzzword without the subject of computer science and people like you who have mastered the "informatics toolbox".
That is why it is our declared goal as a university to expand your already existing knowledge about the design and development of application systems on all kinds of end devices, the networking and securing of systems and, last but not least, their interaction with the most important of all protagonists, the human being (!) to such an extent that all doors are open to you professionally.

Therefore, the Master's program in Applied Computer Science offers you current topics at the pulse of the "digital age", with a high practical relevance and a constant focus on the important human factor. Contents such as artificial intelligence or digitalization & sustainability and methodological aspects such as agile software development are topics that will decisively shape companies in the coming years. In addition, methodological-analytical and scientific-theoretical content is taken into account as well as non-digital key competencies (teamwork, ethics, entrepreneurship, etc.).
Ideally, a master's degree shows not only a very good overview of computer science topics, but also in-depth expertise in a specific field. And this is exactly what the Applied Computer Science program offers you, in which you can specialize in one of three areas that are in urgent demand in business as well as in the public sector or non-profit organizations (Mobile Computing, Networks & Security or Interaction & Visualization). Theses are usually written in cooperation with companies.
Qualification focus (QSP)
In your Master's program, you have the choice between three Qualification Focus Points (QSP), the contents of which are more in demand than ever in industry, business and administration. Each QSP includes three subjects plus the second semester module "Deep Dive" and ideally the final thesis, which is usually carried out in cooperation with a company.
The three qualification focus areas and associated modules are:
- Mobile Computing
Mobile Application Engineering I
Mobile Application Engineering II
Interaction Design
- Networks & Security
Security of Distributed Systems and the Internet-of-Things
Network Information Hiding
Performance of Distributed Systems and Networks
- Interaction & Visualization
Visual Computing
Conversational and Semantic Computing
Interaction Design