Scholarships offered by the Rhineland-Palatinate foundation
The state of Rhineland-Palatinate and the state's universities have established the Rhineland-Palatinate Scholarship Foundation to support young
academics. As a result, Worms University of Applied Sciences is able to promote and support students at our university on an annual basis.
The amount of the scholarship depends on the funds provided by the foundation each year, therefore we cannot make any statement about the
amount of the support in advance, except for the support line "scholarship for talented students".
There are different funding lines of the foundation:
- Support for excellent students
- Support for students in need
- Support for german or foreign single-parents students with children
- Support for talented students who distinguish themselves in a special way through social commitment - application only possiblefor the winter semesters 15.09./p.a. funding is always starting in January with a term of 12 months of monthly installments
- of 300,-- Euro each.
- Promotion of international student exchange ; application via the International Center
The Rhineland-Palatinate State Scholarship is awarded twice a year by the University of Applied Sciences Worms, except for the annual scholarship for talented students. The application is always possible for the winter semester only.
The following criteria are evaluated in the state scholarship and weighted differently depending on the funding line:
- Academic/professional aptitude when applying for excellence funding: Applicants and candidates must have a very high academic aptitude. The following characteristics are relevant for assessment in this context: excellent academic performance, partial grades verified by the examination office, and grade point average.
- Credible evidence of existing need for students in distress when applying for a scholarship.
- Credible evidence of status quo single parent and child when applying single parent with child
- Community involvement at time of application Gifted with community involvement.
- Academic eligibility plus activities, such as participation in student university and self-government, participation in the care of relatives,participation in aid organizations (e.g. DRK, THW, fire department), assumption of responsibility in other organizations or associations or political commitment, awards for honorary office.
- Promoting the international exchange of students with a foreign partner university - more information and the application documents can be obtained from our International Center.
Furthermore, the following applies in general: The simultaneous receipt of other scholarships related to talent and performance is not permitted. Applicants must be registered students of the University of Applied Sciences Worms with the goal of a Bachelor's or Master's degree and a valid examination entitlement. |
For further questions please contact Ms. Kramp-Kola | Tel. 06241-509291|| Email: