Prof. Dr. Jörg Funder

Business Management

Modules taught by the professor in the Bachelor's programmes

ModuleUnitSem.Study programme
6 Business Management

6.1 Organisation




13 Business Transformation

13.1 Business Models

13.2 Digital Transformation



Modules taught by the professor in the Master's programmes

ModuleUnitSem.Study programme
5 Organisational Transformation

5.1 Theories of the Firm

5.2 Basic Concepts of Organisational Change & Transformation



12 General Management of Distribution Orientated Value Chains

12.1 Digital Business Strategies & Transformation

12.2 Managing Corporate Distress




Thesis supervision

The Professor of Business Management in the Retail Sector would be happy to act as a supervisor for topics relating to Strategy and (Digital) Transformation, with particular reference to the retail, consumer goods and consumer services sectors. In this regard, students can feel free to make their own suggestions if they fit with the professor’s research agenda. Theses can be written in either German or English

Empirical research is desirable, particularly at Master’s level.

The following areas are going to be researched next semester:

  1. Managing digital ecosystems – what differentiates ecosystems from ‘normal’ partnerships?
    How do inter-organisational partnerships and ecosystem boundaries develop and change? What are the best practices and main success factors involved in the structure and management of business ecosystems?
  2. Management structures in digital ecosystems and platforms 
    What are the management practices and logic typically arranged between partners within an ecosystem? To what extent do differences in power exist and how do these play out? How can new management practices, new organisational structures and trust help to rectify asymmetries between companies in terms of power and information?
  3. Selective distribution structures in the digital era 
    How are Route-to-Market structures changing in the digital age? What are the archetypes of potential, selective sales structures? What discrimination criteria are permitted/not permitted? What options are available to retailers and manufacturers in terms of sales structure and practice transparency?
  4. Artificial Intelligence inthe retail/consumer goods industry
    Which AI methods are available in the retail/consumer goods industry (e.g. IoT, Machine Learning, Predictive Modelling etc.)? What are the typical fields of application? What requirements are placed on data architectures? Which algorithms can solve which typical problems areas? How are data ecosystems created? What are the limitations placed on data collection and analysis? To what extent is it possible use this to generate a (long-lasting) competitive edge?

    If you’re interested in one of the topics listed above, please arrange a meeting. It would be best if you could specify your selected topic or area of interest, as well as provide your current CV and grades together with a brief motivation letter.

    If you have suggestions for another topic that you're interested in, please also submit a short (one page maximum) research proposal together with your application.