Group for Applied Process Simulation (GAPS)
Die Gruppe für Angewandte Prozesssimulation (GAPS) befasst sich mit Modellierung, Simulation und Analyse von Prozessen und der Entwicklung hierfür adäquater Software. GAPS schließt Lücken im Bereich Prozessmanagement zwischen wissenschaftlicher Forschung, betrieblicher Anwendung und praktischem Studium.
Pairing Finite Automata and Petri Nets: Simulation of Processes in Logistics
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan -
Predictive AI To Feed Simulation
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Badurasvili, Natan G. -
Prozessmanagement realitätsnah lehren und lernen
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
Experiments On GPT-3 Assisted Process Model Development
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
Real World Case Study To Teach Simulation
Zakfeld, Lara; Simon, Carlo; Hladik, Merlin et al. -
Das Process-Simulation: Center Prototyp eines Integrierten Managementsystems für Lehre, Forschung und Praxis
Simon, Carlo; Zakfeld, Lara; Haag, Stefan -
Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0
Simon, Carlo -
Extracting Models from Text: A Research Agenda
Haag, Stefan; Simon, Carlo -
Informal Ways to Educate About Formal Modeling and Simulation with Petri Nets
Zakfeld, Lara; Haag, Stefan; Simon, Carlo -
Stratification of Timed Petri Nets at the Example of a Production Process
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
The Process-Simulation: Center
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
Anforderungen an hochintegrierte Managementsysteme
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
Can simulation prevent companies from the bullwhip trap? New approaches to model the bullwhip effect with the aid of Excel and high-level Petri nets
Simon, Carlo; Zakfeld, Lara; Jensen, Cecilie Elizabeth et al. -
Requirements for Highly Integrated Management Systems: Simulation Expands Past-oriented Documentation to Future-oriented Optimization
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
Research-Agenda for Process Simulation Dashboards
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
Showing the Advantages of Pull over Push Production with the Aid of Petri Nets
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
Simulation of Push- and Pull-Processes in Logistics: Usage, Limitations, and Result Presentation of Clock Pulse and Event Triggered Models
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
Simulation taktgesteuerter Modelle von Push- und Pull-Prozessen in der Logistik
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
A Case-Study to Teach Process-Aware Information Systems
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan -
Clock Pulse Modeling and Simulation of Push and Pull Processes in Logistics
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara -
Digitale Zwillinge modellieren und verstehen: Eine Fallstudie zum problembasierten und forschenden Lernen
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan -
Event Triggered Simulation of Push and Pull Processes
Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara; Simon, Carlo et al. -
Simulatable Reference Models to Transform Enterprises for the Digital Age - A Case Study
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan -
Simulation of Horizontal and Vertical Integration in Digital Twins
Haag, Stefan; Simon, Carlo -
Simulation of Horizontal and Vertical Integration in Digital Twins
Haag, Stefan; Simon, Carlo -
Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0
Simon, Carlo -
Simulation vertikaler Integration: Vom Top-Floor zum Shop-Floor und zurück
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan -
Web-Based Simulation Of Production Schedules With High-Level Petri Nets
Simon, Carlo -
Eine Petri-Netz-Programmiersprache und Anwendungen in der Produktion
Simon, Carlo -
Führt Industrie 4.0 zu einer digitalen Transformation von Unternehmen
Simon, Carlo -
Inner- und überbetriebliches Prozessmanagement
Simon, Carlo -
Petri-Netz-Simulationen zur Theory of Constraints
Simon, Carlo; Behnert, Thorsten -
Neue Chance durch Industrie 4.0?
Simon, Carlo -
Reifegradmodelle für spezifische Prozesse
Simon, Carlo -
Schöne neue Welt?
Simon, Carlo -
Prozesseigner : Wissen & Methoden für Manager von Unternehmensprozessen
Simon, Carlo; Hientzsch, Bernd -
ERP 2.0: Neue Herausforderungen für IT-Governance und IT-Service-Management
Kuchler, Oliver; Simon, Carlo -
Steuerung von IT-Services anhand von Prozesskennzahlen
Kuchler, Oliver; Simon, Carlo -
Wissensmanagement als Teil betrieblicher Informationssysteme
Simon, Carlo; Kaul, Sebastian -
Case Management in Unternehmensnetzwerken - Handlungsempfehlungen zur Implementierung im Sinne eines ganzheitlichen Managementansatzes
Lindermann, Nadine; Simon, Carlo -
Case Management in Unternehmensnetzwerken: Handlungsempfehlungen zur Implementierung im Sinne eines ganzheitlichen Managementansatzes
Lindermann, Nadine; Simon, Carlo -
Management in regionalen Netzwerken : Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Perspektiven
Hass, Berthold H.; Jung, Rüdiger H.; Simon, Carlo -
Management in regionalen Netzwerken: Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Perspektiven
Hass, Berthold H.; Jung, Rüdiger H.; Simon, Carlo -
Management von regionalen Unternehmensnetzwerken : das Projekt Interwork
Jung, Rüdiger H.; Hass, Berthold; Simon, Carlo -
Verbundausbildung als Antwort auf den demographischen Wandel: Ein Leitfaden
Simon, Carlo -
Case Management for Electronically Collaborating Administrations
Lindermann, Nadine; Simon, Carlo -
Formale Kontrolle kollaborativer B2B-Geschäftsprozesse
Fengel, Janina; Rebstock, Michael; Simon, Carlo -
Negotiation processes : the semantic process language and applications
Simon, Carlo -
Process Modelling towards e‑Government: Visualisation and Semantic Modelling of Legal Regulations as Executable Process Sets
Olbrich, Sebastian; Simon, Carlo -
Case Management for Establishing Breast Cancer Centres
Lindermann, Nadine; Simon, Carlo -
Formal Control of Multilateral Negotiations
Simon, Carlo; Fengel, Janina; Rebstock, Michael -
Integration of Conceptual Process Models by the Example of Event-driven Process Chains
Simon, Carlo; Mendling, Jan -
Integration Of Legal Constraints Into Business Process Models
Olbrich, Sebastian; Simon, Carlo -
Process Modelling towards E-Government: Visualisation of process-like legal regulations
Olbrich, Sebastian; Simon, Carlo -
Using Parameterized Timestamp Petri Nets in Automatic Control
Simon, Carlo; Lautenbach, Kurt; Hanisch, Hans-Michael et al. -
Business Process Design by View Integration
Mendling, Jan; Simon, Carlo -
Integration of Planning and Production Processes
Simon, Carlo -
Process engineering towards E-Government - modelling process variety and best practice
Olbrich, Sebastian; Simon, Carlo -
Using BPEL Processes defined by Event-driven Process Chains
Simon, Carlo; Freiheit, Jörn; Olbrich, Sebastian -
Verification of Forbidden Behavior in EPCs.
Simon, Carlo; Mendling, Jan -
An Empirical Method for Utility Assessment in Real-World Electronic Negotiations
Rebstock, Michael; Fengel, Janina; Simon, Carlo -
Are Visual Methods Mandatory for the Modeling of Business Processes?
Simon, Carlo -
Incremental Development of Business Process Models.
Simon, Carlo -
Informations- und Wissensmanagement in regionalen KMU-Netzwerken
Simon, Carlo -
The Influence of Legal Constraints on Business Process Modeling
Simon, Carlo; Olbrich, Sebastian -
Using GXL for exchanging business process models
Winter, Andreas; Simon, Carlo -
Analysis of a Negotiation - A Scene out of Life of Brian
Simon, Carlo -
Deriving Process Specifications from Augmented Data Models
Botterweck, Götz; Simon, Carlo -
From Business Process Fragments to Workflow Definitions.
Simon, Carlo; Dehnert, Juliane -
Integration of Multi-attributed Negotiations within Business Processes.
Simon, Carlo; Rebstock, Michael -
A Logic of Actions to Specify and Verify Process Requirements
Simon, Carlo -
Initiating eLearning via Workflow Management.
Simon, Carlo; Reckmann, Nadja; M. C. Swatman, Paula -
A logic of actions and its application to the development of programmable controllers
Simon, Carlo -
Modeling and Validation of Hybrid Systems using Extended Timestamp Nets
Hanisch, Hans-Michael; Lautenbach, Kurt; Simon, Carlo et al. -
Modellierung der Dynamik einer Batch-Anlage
Lautenbach, Kurt; Simon, Carlo -
A Modular Modeling Approach for Hybrid Systems Based on C/E-Systems and Extended Timestamp Nets
Hanisch, Hans-Michael; Lautenbach, Kurt; Simon, Carlo et al. -
Petri Net-based Descriptions for Discrete-Continuous Systems
Mohamed, Chouikha; Decknatel, Gebhard; Drath, Rainer et al. -
Petri-Net-based Descriptions for Discrete-Continuous Systems
Chouikha, M.; Decknatel, G.; Drath, R. et al. -
Erweiterte Zeitstempelnetze
Lautenbach, Kurt; Simon, Carlo -
Timestamp Petri nets in Technical Applications
Hanisch, Hans-Michael; Lautenbach, Kurt; Simon, Carlo et al. -
The Petri net tools Neptun and Poseidon
Simon, Carlo; Ridder, Hanno; Marx, Thomas